There are many different kinds of Dental Implants on the market, and they are made by many different brands. It is hard to understand what the difference between two brands of Dental Implants are, and the descriptions websites and dental implants manufacturers give do not make things any easier for the layman at all.

Pivot Implants
While people understand the difference between different kinds of dental implants, things like what special surface treatment the dental implant has, who made the implant are not entirely clear. In this article, we wish to talk about our preference, and why we use the Dental Implants?
What’s the difference?
All dental implants are registered as medical devices, and are thus tested rigorously by an expert team of unaffiliated scientists before being tested rigorously by health administrations and quality control groups in a given country where they are supposed to be put on the market. This means that all dental implants are of the highest quality. The difference lies in two aspects: the signature special bonus features that a given Dental Implant Manufacturer has, and the guarantees that are given.
Special features of dental implants
Dental Implant Manufacturers scramble to copyright a given feature of a dental implant, the most obvious being surface treatments. Titanium Dental Implants not only remain in the jawbone, they are biocompatible, which means the jawbone grows around, in and through the object, incorporating it into the bone itself. Surfaces make this easier, as they can be porous, etched or otherwise made so that they can make Osseo integration easier. The abutments make it so that the crown does not move, and this is also a site of a lot of innovation. There are also dental implants that can be placed easier or immediately as well.
Pivot Implants in house
We use pivot’s Titanium Dental Implants for a number of reasons. First of all, it is the most reliable and most ubiquitous Dental Implant Manufacturer in India. They also provide great guarantees and have excellent products, making them the most logical choice for us.